Re: The LCS Factor
Found Him - I'm so glad that your daughter has a mom like you and your husband has you as his wife. Your heart gives me hope! My mom unfortunately is an exact replica of the 'Stepford Wife' and has totally checked out on being an individual. I think she still buys into the LC teaching that she's under the authority of her husband in relationship with she just lets him treat her and the family in whatever way suits himself best and believes that by her being submissive to her husband, she doesn't have any responsibility! SO WRONG! It also doesn't work to dispute the thinking of a VIP like my dad so perhaps that part of the reason she checked out. I'll be praying for your family! Your words brought tears to my eyes...the bondage is awful.
Hope - So what are some of the apologies that you were able to offer your children about the whole LC mess and the effect it had on your family? It's crazy that so much happened in Dallas while you were an elder (with my dad who was also an elder) and yet you had NO idea was going on, isn't it!!! Crazy!
Last edited by Overflow; 01-28-2009 at 09:22 PM.