Originally Posted by Oregon
The matter of all the believers in a city in the NT has way more evidence than the flip side. Why don’t you start using the scriptures to prove that many so called churches in a city is God’s will. I’d like to see it. All you can do is point out a few random mentionings of “the church in the house”….an extremely weak argument.
Someone once pointed out that there are 26 references to city churches in the Bible and four references to house churches. Not sure if the numbers are correct but they'll do.
By way of a swan analogy, here's your logic, Oregon.
There are 26 white swans and 4 black swans, therefore there are only white swans.
Now that's a weak argument.
Secondly, please show me the verse than commands only one church in a city. Please don't show me patterns, especially ones which in order to work must leverage the white swan logic illustrated above. And that's a Biblical argument, whether you admit it or not.
Assuming there
is one church per city: Where is it, where does it meet, who are the elders, how do we know? You can't answer these questions because your teaching is just a theoretical doctrine, it's not practical, even though it claims to be about practicality. How strange is that?
All you have, Oregon, is a way to say everyone else is wrong but you
. Sure you can go on and on about how you think you are right and how you think the Bible backs you up till you turn blue, but you haven't given anyone anything, because you don't have a way to work it out. What's the point? Could it be your Bible interpretation is wrong, hmmmm?
Bottomline: If you can't tell people how to practically practice the local ground doctrine then please stop telling them to practice it. Doing so is an absurdity in case you can't figure it out for yourself