Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:50 PM   #1185
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
In considering your post, much detox was preceeded with bouts of depression? I don't agree being an LC elder can translate to leadership in another church. I believe many of these elders were appointed based on their gifts. Some initially balked and had to be talked into accepting the responsibility. If these elders truly wanted a leadership capacity, wouldn't they had remained with the LSM fellowship?

In my experience, VIPs as I labeled them previously, which the LC is brilliant at raising up find a way to wiggle closely to those in high power as to find a seat for themselves in the hierarchy. Lately I'm wondering if VIPs are better termed Narcissistic! As I recall, I was in high school when we moved states and detached from the LC. I give all glory to God for this! A person like my dad is NEVER wrong! Thankfully, the LC was a good distance and my dad had determined that we'd be better suited elsewhere (although still confused because NEVER did my dad denounce the was a "good" church...someone in leadership made a mistake and that was sad to my dad but that was the extent of it (later I realized this was in reference to Lee's son).

After leaving the LC...a freshman in high school in 1991, I was shocked that we began to go to a "denomination." (Still believing that the LC was the only way). During the service, dad sat and read his own scripture lesson (as if Mr. VIP didn't have something to gain from the pastor. He then would polk fun of the pastor the entire way home from church. As my sisters and I recount growing up we felt out of place and awkward for a LONG time! NEVER did my dad have us work through what was wrong with the LC....because he was devout to it even after leaving. If one of us dared touch one of his Lee books...WATCH OUT! Especially my mom...he would let her have it! (Still to this day --- he will wiggle around a conversation to get out of denouncing it?!? Weird to me when I see the heartache the involvement had on our family and extended family (which my dad lead to getting involved as well and they're still involved and REALLY MESSED UP!!! Like CRAZY MESSED UP ---the three kids---my cousins could be on a messy Jerry Springer show--- SO SAD!!)

A few years later, a new church started, a fellowship style church. Dad rubbed noses with the head people may think that these Narcissistic people are balking at the idea of leadership, but I think you haven't been the neglected and abused child of an "elder" from the LC or you would definitely think differently. My husband has been around long enough that he could sincerely concur that my dad has a way of making himself look like the most humble person in the world and yet I can assure you it is a complete and TOTAL ACT!

With that said, HOPE, I find it shocking that you could just push your books aside and not seek out to find truth from lie or LSM material from the BIBLE! What do you think about the vision and the truth? One of my deepest hurts in my relationship with my father is that his loyalty was/is to a man and not to as DJ commented, his family which is most definitely his mission field as a believer! Without authenticity and vulnerability in confession, I don't think I'll ever desire to trust him again. I know that none of us can be right all the time, (when my kids mess up, my first response is always, "there's only one person that lived a perfect life sweetie") but when we mess up and fail our families, I think the best way to start to find healing is confession....not just on your knees...but also to those that have been hurt. And there's no better way to know how to confess then by seeking out how you've did you confess to your family for leading them astray!? What biblical truths did you help them relearn?!

In my walk with the Lord, often my current teaching has to be studied further because of a distorted upbringing in teaching. I thank God that 1. I am no longer involved in living the lie of coming from a "perfect family." 2. God is continually assuring me that his love for me is nothing like the love my earthly father showed me. 3. I should purpose to never dishonor my role as "mother" to my children as I reflect God! 4. When I do mess up, be quick to apologize....sincerely and completely! 5. I will forever need my Savior and cherish His Eternal LOVE!

Last edited by Overflow; 01-27-2009 at 08:03 PM. Reason: typos
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