Originally Posted by Norm
I wished to point out that the thought that Watchman Nee was the originator of such a thought or teaching was not true; that Nee and Lee basically recovered very little. They mainly synthesized many of the thoughts and teachings of their day into one body of teaching.
I concur and it is a good point to make. Nee was not so much a seer as a synthesizer. Lee was basically the same with a twist. He took Nee and everone else and adapted their teachings to his own particular view of things (i.e. God's economy is dispensing.)
I was aware that Nee did not orginate the local ground teaching. Several Brethren teachers promoted the idea before him, although it seems it gained no real traction until Nee.
However, I've seen no evidence that the teaching was ever taught in the early church. So it is not so much a recovered teaching as an invented one.