Originally Posted by Ohio
WL focused on the word "inoculation." Any negative speaking from a "concerned" brother was likened to a dangerous "poison" whose "germs" were extremely "contagious." Hence, our great need to be continually on guard, that we would be "inoculated."
It seemed people would up and change overnight. Open the door and many would escape. Many of us would not dream of leaving, after hearing so many stories of tragedy befalling those who departed, but if a well-respected leader would depart, then others would dare to follow.
This is why those who departed were vilified by the ministry -- to stop an impending exodus. Making John Ingalls a "pariah" was the only way to save "the program" from collapse.
This "inoculation" illogically explains why brothers who have had years of fellowship together would abruptly cease overnight. A brother would cross a street in order to avoid "contamination". There is no real cause . These brothers are still the same. However what has changed is their standing based on LSM and Witness Lee's ministry.
Typically brothers who need innoculated against are no longer in one accord with LSM work. Why is there a need to villify brothers? As we've seen with these storms, these brothers didn't change overnight. What changed is the veil was taken away.