Originally Posted by aron
Until you break it down to its constituent components, and see the illogic that lies behind it, the "local" appeal can still run your thinking. The whole thing rests on a strange, subjective dualism, where the local churches are "local" but not that local. Sorta local. "Local Church" local. As long as you swallow that disjunction, they can lead you by the nose forever. And even if you physically leave due to some bad events or personalities or just general disgust, the impact on your thinking won't abate. Your scorn for all Christian assemblies, or the vast majority of them, will continue. You'll go on forever looking for that legitimate church, as defined by someone else.
Localism as defined by Nee was an excuse and an opportunity for various Alpha Dog scenarios to play themselves out: Nee, Lee, Chu, Freeman, Dong, Blendeds. And that doesn't include the craziness on the Mainland that followed the LSM. Until you see it for what it is, it has power over you.
If the local church were truly local, they'd take the fellowship from Anaheim as only that, fellowship. And they'd also receive fellowship from Duluth and Decatur. If they were truly local they'd receive all the saints in their locality, not just those affiliated with the ministries of Nee and Lee. If they were truly local they'd love their neighbour. Etc etc.
The localism of Nee and Lee produced ministry propagation stations, not local churches.