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Old 12-09-2016, 11:50 PM   #142
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: I'm confused.....

Originally Posted by aron View Post
And the solution is to come under the ministry of the age? Because if you are local, but not kow-towing to the Generals in Anaheim, you're still deemed "not meeting".

The solution is to blow up Christianity, not with another organizational scheme a la Nee & Lee, but "be burning in Spirit". That and love, a little humility in receiving the Lord's speaking in His Body, not despising the gifts of the little ones and exalting the pseudo-Giants, and all that Evangelical dismisses so categorically might be very different.

Might not. But I'll take that chance, over the latest 5 Year Plan from Chairman of the Body.
I like your idea of blowing up Christianity but by being burning in Spirit.

I wonder if you know which denomination/church you think should or can do that? Is it the ones holding routine church services as they have for the past few hundred years, or is it the ones who actually teach and try to practice being burning in Spirit?
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