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Old 12-09-2016, 02:09 PM   #516
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Default Re: What is an illegitimate church

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
The word Jezebel means "chaste". This is her MO, she wears the disguise of someone who is chaste while condemning others for being "illegitimate". She wields the law as a tool to abuse, usurp, defame, and swindle others.

What is it that gives me legitimacy? It is the name of Jesus.

But according to Jezebel what makes the churches illegitimate is not that they don't lift up Jesus as Lord, but that they don't lift her up as Lord.

I think there would not be any objection to Witness Lee if it wasn't for the fact that he lifted himself up as Lord and condemned every single group of Christians that did not recognize him as such.
As one who spent untold hours reading both sides of the quarantine debate, I definitely agree with this conclusion. The "One Publication Bull" mandated by LSM was never about oneness. It was only about exalting Lee and his works. Oneness was merely the disguise JezebeLSM wore to appear "chaste," so that she could condemn Chu, Tomes, and Dong and others as illegimate.
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