Re: Time Frame in the LSM/LC
Excellent thread to give us some perspective as we communicate.
For many of us, I do not believe it is as simple as date entered and date left. Thus I will give a 50,000 foot fly over of my local church chronology.
First meeting was early September, 1965 in Waco Texas. Did not miss another meeting and was in daily contact with someone from the church in Waco until August, 1969.
Moved to Houston and was probably in 99% of meetings and was a deacon until July, 1971. Moved to Dallas and was in church as an elder until August, 1986 when I moved to Chapel Hill, NC. Dropped out of any type of leadership and began a kind of Arabia experience of re-examining the teaching and practice of the then current LSM version of the local church as well as the earlier version of the local church. Had some fellowship with others who were reevaluating or had "concerns." Slowly moving out of the LSM/WL circle until complete break in the fall of 1989. Stopped all contact with any persons or places related to the LSM. Got a real job and worked 70-80 hours per week and by the Lord's mercy kept the financial wolves off the front porch and sent three children to college.
Never stopped praying, reading the Bible, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, pursuing assembling with other believers and endeavoring to keep the oneness of the Spirit. Avoided all responsibility at a church level. Kept mouth shut and ears open at the church level.
Forgot about the past and focused on the future until the fall of 2006. Before this time, I had three clear contacts with the past, two business trips to Texas with a stop off to see Don Looper, 2001 & 2002. Received John Meyers and wife and daughter when they passed through NC in 2005.
Visited the assembly in Scottsdale Arizona three times in nineties and two or three times since the turn of the century. Was contacted a few times by John Ingalls and Bill Mallon and visited the assembly in West Minster three or maybe four times.
Kept up a very casual contact with old friends from the church in Dallas. Visited them maybe two times. In 1992 ran into John and Jane Anderson for about 45 minutes. Heard about her run in with Benson for the first time. She had made the assumption that I knew all about it. I only knew by osmosis that there had been some kind of falling out with the church in Houston and the Andersons. I cannot ever remember them visiting anyone in the church in Dallas or attending any meetings except for one or two large conferences.
Was introduced to the Berean Forum in the late fall of 2006. I have probably had more contact with former local churchers on the Internet than any other way since 1989.
A believer in Christ Jesus,
Hope, Don Rutledge
Last edited by Hope; 01-23-2009 at 11:05 AM.
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