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Old 12-08-2016, 07:43 PM   #139
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Our responsibility to uproot and tear down

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
You are no different. You also are a denomination. Start with yourself. Tear your own church down. Judgment begins with the Recovery.

There is neither anything in the Bible about selling books, selling tennis rackets, selling motor homes, selling seats in trainings, etc. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged.

Are not all the denominations also ministries? Then by your own definition, they are not bound by your rules, just like you give LSM a free pass for all of its corruption.
I agree that the denominations are ministries. That is why they often bear the name of their founder. I think the issue is denominations claiming to be churches. When that happens it creates a division. If the LSM claimed to be the true church then that would be an issue. But they have never claimed that. The local churches don't bear the name of their founder.
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