Originally Posted by Ohio
How different is this to Lee's way. He builds a walled city, declaring all insiders holy to God on the proper ground, and condemns all outsiders as degraded and hopeless. He refuses to admit that we are all part of the same house. He mistakenly thinks that the wall keeps all the degraded things out, and all the holy things in. Sorry, sounds good, almost like the New Jerusalem, but it doesn't work that way in this age. There is no "true" church, only cleansed vessels. "Flee youthful lusts" rather than flee the house of God.
At the time I departed from the Recovery, I was overwhelmed with how much degradation was INSIDE the walled recovery, especially among the leaders in the "work." When I started meeting elsewhere, I discovered how many holy blessings were OUTSIDE the walled Recovery. After all, we all are fallen. Fallen Christians living inside the walled Recovery are just as prone to the "dishonorable" side of God's house as those without. Perhaps more so, fueled by pride and arrogance. How else do we get endless lawsuits, motorhome scams, excommunications, etc.? There's far more honor outside of those walls.
I think he knew what he was doing. So he refers to "the true church" and this is "not some isolated thing" and it sounds great, scriptural. But there is no scripture to it, nor does he ever provide any.
Of course he has to define the church and identify issues for the basis of a division, but does he ever define "the true church"? No. Does he ever define what he meant by "some isolated thing"? No.
So everyone in the church knows how important oneness is, they understand we shouldn't divide the body of Christ, and yet they are referring to themselves as "the true church" and condemning others for being "some isolated thing". Think of the irony for one of the smallest and least significant sects condemning others for being "some isolated thing". Is there any group more isolated than Witness Lee's sect?