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Old 12-07-2016, 06:28 AM   #488
Join Date: May 2012
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Churuch

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
I am not going with an extreme meaning, I am going with the basic and simple and original meaning. A sect is a cut, division or offshoot. We are not talking about grey areas such as the rapture or predestination. So you cannot take the true meaning of the word and sugar coat it. There is a right and wrong answer about this, black and white, like 2+2 = 4. There is no grey area here on the definition of a sect. Another definition of sect is an offshoot of a larger group. So Lutherans were a sect as an offshoot of Catholic, etc etc. The Catholic website I posted before explains how the meaning of sect has been distorted over the years, by sects. For example, Anglican does not consider itself a sect but to the Catholics they were and probably still are a sect. Anglicans would be considered a sect by the apostle Paul for sure. A denomination whose existence and origins was to fulfill the lusts of the King of England.
I am reminded of a conversation I had with a neighbour (who isnt from the Lord's Recovery)

He asked about the church I went to, and which denomination it was. After I said non-denominational, he asked how the Sunday service/meeting was like.

After I told him, there was no pastor etc, his response was simply along the lines of "Aah, it's Brethren then".

I had to go to the internet to read more about brethren churches, but to this day, I wouldn't blame anyone who came to the conclusion that the Lord's Recovery is an offshoot of the Plymouth Brethren.
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