If I had my way, the Israelites would have made it through the Red Sea, pharoah and his chariots would be buried forever, and they would have then waltzed into the Promised Land a few happy, celebratory days later. Surely none of that wandering in the wilderness!
John Hagee has a message entitled
Promise, Problem and Provision.
For every Promise God gives us, a Problem follows and then He comes and gives us the Provision of solving it.
God promised the Israelites the Promise Land..the Problem: they murmurred..so they took a walk around the mountain. They didn't get it for 40 yrs and took many walks around the same mountain. But they finally got it. LOL!!
He relates it to us..including himself. If we don't want to keep going around and around and around the mountain...stop murmurring and complaining and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit! Problem solved.
That was one of the best messages I ever heard. I laughed soo loud too.
Why make it to the Good Land, only to be dragged off in chains...yet again?
Cause they never experienced the Presence of God. They experienced God's acts...their deliverence from the Egyptians stronghold. Not only did God set the slaves FREE but the Egyptians blessed them with Gold, Silver, food, animals. They left Egypt pretty, pretty wealthy. Then God parted the Red Sea for them to cross over and swallowed up the Egyptians by closing the parted waters.
That's ALOT to BE THANKFUL FOR!!! But what do they do? They go build themselves a golden calf with the gold they got from Egypt to worship a COW..a statue of a COW! Good grief! During that time frame, Moses was up in the mountain talking to GOD..being in HIS PRESENCE.
When he came down, the GLORY of GOD was sooo much on him, he had to veil himself so he wouldn't blind the people.
Moses KNEW GOD...
the Israelites only knew the ACTS of GOD.
I appreciate and am forever grateful for His ACTS of Loving Kindness and Divine Favor on me...but I know what it is to be in the Presence of God too and there is nothing like His Presence. It goes with you everywhere you go..and His Acts often follow too!
THAT is why I am sooo blessed and Highly Favored! 'Cause I spend a lot of time with HIM and in His Presence. In HIS PRESENCE is the FULLNESS of JOY. It REALLY is!
A few months ago, I was trying to make a right turn on a busy street. The traffic was horrendous. I started grumbling..and THEN the LIGHT bulb came on & I realized I hadn't asked the LORD for FAVOR. I said "LORD!! I FORGOT to ask YOU for FAVOR!! I need FAVOR!
And no sooner than I asked and the cars stopped to let me through!!! THANK YOU AGAIN LORD JESUS..Thank YOU for your FAVOR!! I hope it is everyone's experience here too.
My guess is that for us who follow Christ, obstacle = opportunity.
aww...great minds think a like. Must be that
our minds are being renewed!
Opportunity to praise, to thank, to confess and repent, to forgive as we have been forgiven, to trust and believe. I dunno what hardship equals for others, but for us it ain't weeping and wailing. Our victory is at hand

We enter into HIS Gates with Thanksgiving..into HIS Courts with Praise..and into the Presence of God with Worship. We begin by confessing and repenting..to forgive as we have been forgiven, to trust in the cleansing Blood of the Lamb and to believe He makes ALL Things NEW, blessing us and granting us DIVINE FAVOUR from above.
people got tired of "did too" - "did not" exchanges that were dominant elsewhere. So the discussion seems to be a little more in the Hallelujah/praise the Lord vein than before, which is a good thing, imho.
Great post
aron! Great insights too! Hats off to you dear brother!