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Old 12-06-2016, 10:58 AM   #123
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Default Re: The title is biased

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Now that's something I agree with - hence the reason I quoted the statistics showing Christianity being degraded. So I would be very concerned that majority of Christians in america believe in things against God.
Did the statistic refer only to those who provided clear evidence that they were other than social/cultural Christians? Or was it based solely on some level of church attendance?

But when you make a statement about whether people believe things "against God," remember that not standing as opposed to the law of the land that homosexuals can exist without penalty and may even join in a civil union that is given all the legal status of marriage and even the name (for legal purposes, not religious)? Or was it about thinking that it is morally OK? They are not the same thing.

Just want to make sure that you are representing your statistics properly.

In any case, I can assure you that I am unaware of any in the group that I meet with, or with any in other similar groups that actually think those things are morally OK. I realize that a particular Baptist assembly has voted to allow homosexuals. But that is like saying that there is a tiny pimple on an other wise healthy whale. You are making small exceptions into the rule so that you can continue to justify your dividing from the rest of the body of Christ by denigrating them all.

I know of persons who were financially corrupt that were in the LRC. Their actions were not hidden. In one case he was eventually run off but not until after several years.

If your answer is that we have to allow for grace to work, then why not do the same for those who don't even believe? If you think you just need to beat them with it, then someone should have been shouting at this person from the first day that it was known until they repented or left.
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