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Old 12-05-2016, 06:21 PM   #461
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Churuch

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
By the way, you offered no explanation of why you and yours are capable of such brilliant insights while almost no one down through church history has agreed with you. What do have that they don't?
Perhaps a profound realisation that in the bible no one calls a church anything, anywhere. Some struggle over this question -am I a Lutheran Christian or a Christian Lutheran. Some people struggle over that. Those in denominations have an identity crisis, they don't know to which or what they belong. They cannot clearly articulate "I belong to Christ", without referring to their denominational name. Overcoming culturally accepted norms in society is not something that happens overnight. In our environment we consider many different named churches normal. Sadly that is the thing that will happen in future when children are born into an environment which considers homosexuality as normal.
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