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Old 01-22-2009, 09:29 AM   #19
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Default Re: The Psychological Dynamics of Message Boards

Interesting to see this thread brought back to the forefront. I read back through it and agree that there is more to be said, and considered.

One thing about boards that stands out to me is that it is typically a place with a somewhat singular focus. That brings together people who generally have little to do with each other. I realize that this one is somewhat unique because there are primarily two groups which have strongly opposing views, but generally all have some history with the LC. Despite the apparent exception of DJ, I would say that he actually reflects the issues of another with a history in the LC.

But outside of that, we are generally quite different and many do not actually know the others, or very few of them. That sense of anonymity frees us in various ways. First, we are freer to speak of somewhat personal issues without being that revealing. But we are also freer to misbehave without more that a virtual reprimand.

If we were face-to-face, we could do much of the same discussions, and we might not misunderstand each other as much because we could see expressions (even emoticons can lie), read body language, and quickly point out areas of confusion or ask for clarification.

But on the negative side, in face-to-face meetings we would tend to be guarded concerning personal issues. We would also feel less free to defer answering until some consideration or research was undertaken. Instead we might be more prone to simply “shoot from the hip,” as they say, or more accurately “shoot first and ask questions later.” The latter is too common and results in significant delays in meaningful dialog. Metaphorically, dead people don’t talk; they just stink up the room. (It may have been the rising stench that cleared the “LCS Factor” a few months ago. Great topic, but lots of indiscriminate shooting.)

As to Igzy’s reason #4 (the first #4), for those of us that still visit the Berean forum, you can see how many times Steward has promised that she is leaving. But there is always a post to one of her pet topics that she feels obligated to answer and so she manages only a few minutes. I know that when I have been away, I do visit occasionally to see what is going on. I was successful at staying out for a couple of months (time well spent). But eventually there was a post that just screamed for comment.

It is addictive. I have determined that I will only give it the time I decide on in advance. While I may not stay completely within the limit, it keeps me from becoming a forum hermit/junkie.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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