Originally Posted by Ohio
When "the program" comes first in your life, along with allegiances to headquarters, people tend to know it.
... Somewhere along the line, the "family of God" got replaced by the "army of God."
Those ... who put "Christ and the church" first, and family last, often ended up with neither Christ nor family. Christ and the family both being replaced with endless service in the church
The ministry was initially seen as a vehicle to serve God by serving His people. Eventually the ministry became a stand-in for God. Eventually abiding in Christ got replaced by being one with the ministry. But in actuality the ministry is represented by sinners like myself. Only God is perfect. So to protect the ministry-centric approach we then create an "image" that must be upheld at all cost, even at the cost of truth, life, spiritual connectedness, relationships, our consciences, our families, etc.
djohnson's initial observations of those growing up in the LC, and its unhealthy focus on the ministry, eventually facing what he called "social issues"; I believe I made the observation, and will repeat it because it bears repeating, that the young ones I observed leaving the family umbrella do not go to christianity. They see the hypocrisy in the "program", as
Ohio put it, but have imbibed on a steady diet of invective against what is termed "fallen christianity", and so when they depart the compulsive religious environment in the parent's house they simply drift (or run) into the world. They are raised in the "LC or nothing" mindset, and when they reject the controlling environment of the LC system, they have no spiritual path readily available. When pressed into a corner they will acknowledge Christ, as they genuinely received Him as Lord, but today they have no way to go on. Spiritually they are shipwrecked. I have seen this happen so often that I would make this generalization.