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Old 12-02-2016, 05:02 AM   #94
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The title is biased

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
The bible indicates we should not judge the world. But it does not say we cannot judge Christians. Consider Revelation 2:20 where Jesus condemns a church for tolerating Jezebel. In that passage Jesus is not speaking to a particular denomination but the local church in the locality of Thyatira. If there is sexual immorality among the believers in our city, it is our duty and our right , as members of the local church in the city of wherever we live, to say it is wrong. It is okay for us to say to the Catholics, it is wrong to abuse children, and to the Lutherans, it is wrong for people in same-sex marriages to be ordained. Your view of tolerance for these sorts of things and not judging until the time is not something which Jesus would support, based upon Revelation 2:20. As an analogy, I see it as tolerating an intruder in ones house. And according to the Bible, Christians in a denomination are part of our "house" the body of Christ, or the locality in which we reside. So we are right to judge them as if they were part of our local church meetings. Just because they meet in a different place and call themselves a different name, does not mean they are not in the same church as us.
The Supreme court is not "my house", nor is the Whitehouse, nor is Congress. Those houses belong to the world.

You were railing against the laws of the US, the Supreme court, etc. Are you now narrowing your bile to just Christian denominations? More specifically are you now focusing on the Lutheran denomination?

It seems like you are painting with an awfully broad brush when you condemn Christianity for being degraded because of the Lutheran denomination. Lutherans make up 2% of Christians in the US, but you are going to condemn all Christians because of the policy of these 2%?

Please clarify, are you still railing about the US Supreme court, US laws, or have you narrowed down your complaint to just Christianity, specifically Lutherans? Also, are you condemning all Christianity because of what 2% of them do?

I hope you notice that absolutely no one on this thread has defended the Lutheran decision, nor has anyone tried to say that homosexual sex isn't a sin. So far all of the issues raised have been your foray into politics as though that was our calling and your condemnation of a very large group of people because of the stance of a very tiny minority.
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