Originally Posted by Drake
Igzy: "For the sake of everyone observing this conversation can you tell us why a hierarchy is bad?"
Igzy, It annuls the functioning of all the members of the Body except the most gifted. Thereby, the growth of the Body is hindered. Drake
Then why does Paul say, "
And He gave some apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry, unto the building up of the body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and the full knowledge of the Son of God ..."?
These gifted members obviously help the members of the body to function and grow.
And why were elders and deacons established in churches? In your scheme, elders and deacons are hierarchy.
Originally Posted by Igzy
What unquestionably works against the Body is abused power. Why you worry about hierarchy and not that is a mystery to me.
Jesus and the apostles never condemned hierarchy, neither in Judaism or in the church. They condemned rulers lording it over the elect, ruling as the gentiles. They condemn hypocrisy, unrighteousness, serving your own belly, adulterating and peddling the word of God, etc.
It's just amazing that you establish your own balances in order to judge Christians, balances and standards not accepted by the scriptures.
p.s. I can find numerous verses to provide support for so-called hierarchy, and hundreds of verses about bad leadership, but none that say or even implies that "hierarchy annuls the functioning."