Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-21-2009, 04:40 PM   #1172
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 688
Default Point of Clarification

Originally Posted by Overflow View Post
After leaving a system of confused scripture, legalistic focus and egocentric belief of being God's only saving grace....I have issues with believing that an LC elder could healthily step into the leadership of another church without serious counseling and detoxing! HOPE how did you transition away/search out the deception from truth that was ingrained in you during your time with LC!?!?
Originally Posted by djohnson View Post
Like most former elders of the LCS it is apparent that Hope has never left it in mind and heart and probably not bodily if his church in Raleigh is anything like the other LCS spin offs.

The argument that you can't paint everything with a broad brush is frivilous. A mere red herring. Everybody with any degree of intellegeince knows that a system like LCS will contain both good and bad elements. What Hope is denying is that certain things took place in the place where he was. Either Hope is lying or those reporting it are lying. Or Hope is claiming ignorance of the events in question. And if he did not know they took place that does not = that they did not take place only that he was ignorant of it. But knowing the track record the LCS and its leaders can anyone really think that such abuse of the young is outside the realm of the very possible nay the very probable?
djohnson is clearly right that the comment about "detoxing" and "counseling" was not his

djohnson only said that Hope never really left the Local Church
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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