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Old 11-30-2016, 07:36 AM   #79
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Default Re: The stats are in - Christianity is Degraded

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
You must not believe in 2 Cor 6:17 then. Rock concerts are part of the worldly mixture in Babylon. "Other groups of Christians use natural and worldly ways to attract people. They use the ways of being social, of rock music, and of choirs with colorful robes." ~ W. Lee

Religious people of the degraded denominations use such worldly ways to attract people to "Christ" (merely emotional feelings or experiences), which is spiritual incest.
Would you please try to read what I say, without reading into it.

Would you also please respond with Bible thoughts of your own rather than from Lee.

Music about the Savior is no more a gimmick than giving them a New Testament or taking them to Starbucks.

Note that pianos were considered "sensual" by John Darby and the Brethren. The Church of Christ still rejects them. By their standards Lee used "worldly methods to attrack people."
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