Originally Posted by Evangelical
doubt you've ever asked the Lord whether He approves of Catholicism, for example. I doubt you've bothered to hear His answer. You certainly have not found it in His written Word. Can you find a verse that supports Catholicism?
I've prayed about the whole matter of unity and the situation as it is in the Church as a whole. My sense and experience is although I can find fault with the overarching leadership of movements, it's very hard for me to condemn individual congregations. I've been to several Catholic services in the last few years, as many in my family are Catholic. My experience is that the members are sincere believers. I may not agree with every aspect of their belief or practice, but Romans 12 tells me that is none of my business. As for idols, you might be surprised how little such things mean to modern Catholics. Many of my Catholic family and friend have sincere, solid saving faith. They are believers. I can't argue with that. I attend their services and the emphasis is not on idols, many Catholic congregations don't even display such things anymore. It would be foolish to nitpick about such things when I clearly see a trend away from them. What would be the point?
Trust me, I think the trappings of the Vatican and ex cathedra and all that rot make me sick. But what's coming out of Rome is not what's important. What's important is what is being taught in individual Catholic congregations. If people are hearing the gospel and the truth of Jesus as Savior then that's what important. Don't make the good the enemy of the best.
I know you refer to the Bible, but on this topic of denominations you cannot find a verse to support your view that denominations are acceptable. When you say denominations are acceptable you are saying that Babylon is acceptable. You are saying that Roman Catholicism is acceptable with all of its idols and various things (Catholicism is the major denomination, remember).
It is you that cannot definitively find a verses that says denominations are so bad that you need to rail about them as you do. You are the one who equated denominations with "Babylon." The Bible record is less clear. I advise against feigning certainly when in fact you don't have it. You are talking about God's people.