Originally Posted by Evangelical
Today a good Christian is considered someone who doesn't cause a fuss and lets gays marry.
Where in the NT are we told that we have the authority to tell others what they can and cannot do?
If we prohibit gays from marrying in the church, that is what we have authority over.
We can exercise our right as a citizen by voting, running for office, etc. But the church is not part of this world and vice versa.
We have been given one commission, to preach the gospel to the nations, baptizing them into the name of the triune God.
Originally Posted by Evangelical
A bad Christian is someone who speaks out against it. The Bible says that in the last days good will be caused evil and vice versa.
I wouldn't go that far, that is a little extreme. I would say a bad Christian is one who condemns sinners rather than preaching the gospel of salvation. But go ahead, speak out against it. I am of the persuasion that judgement begins with the house of God. I am focusing my attention on speaking out against the evil in the house of God.
Originally Posted by Evangelical
I do not know how to handle statistics? I did not handle anything. I quoted directly from the website.
My point exactly.
Originally Posted by Evangelical
You might be blushing a little right now.