The Gospel of my salvation ...
This would be my very first post to the board. I have watched from afar since (pretty much) the beginning of its formation, but have felt not to participate until this morning (although I have thought about doing it for quite some time now). I meet with the church and have done so for 40 years. I'm a brother who grew up in southern California. Although I've been around for a while my thoughts and considerations on some of these matters that you all discuss here might surprise you - but then again perhaps not.
Finding a suitable username seemed a small challenge. I chose the user name "tentmaker_21", based upon Acts 18:3: "and because he (Paul) was of the same craft, he lodged with them and worked; for by their occupation they were tentmakers", " i.e. tentmaker" = my aim for what I 'm doing here, and "_21" based upon this being the 21st century version of. Of course I'm not a real tentmaker (know nothing about it actually). Figuratively, I'm of the same craft as you (and still not very good at it) and desire to lodge and work with you all in various discussions, if you know what I mean. I'm retired now, but by trade held the job of mechanical engineer and did design work with prominent U.S. companies for a good part of my working life (45 years). I was very fortunate to say the least, and I am very grateful to the Lord for this.
Anyways - I'm happy to finally join you! All I can say at the moment is "Christ is Victor", no matter what my/your situation is today or will be tomorrow …