Originally Posted by OBW
First, unless someone is playing with terms, you are talking about mainline Protestants. By reversing the emphasis and saying mainline Protestants you imply all Protestants or something more significant than the group that the term actually implies.
I did not try to dig into the statistics and what they really said, but are you sure that your characterizations are correct relative to the actual data?
Also, there is a difference between favoring gay marriage and being tolerant of such a thing in secular society. Are you sure that the study correctly differentiated between these two positions or that you understood the possibility of such an allowance by those of otherwise strong religious belief?
I would say that there is a significant difference between favoring gay marriage and thinking that it is a correct position for purposes of the church. The government is not the church nor the church the government. If our position with respect to those that do not follow the Christian moral guides is to criticize and insult, then we really need to go back and read the great commandment a few times more.
Baptists, Catholics, Assemblies of God and Methodist all prohibit same sex marriage. I think that is very clear as to their official position.
I agree with you that Evangelical does not know how to handle statistics accurately or else he is one of those liars that uses statistics to lie which Mark Twain warned us about.