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Old 11-26-2016, 02:22 PM   #56
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Do you think Christianity is degraded?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Thanks ZNP.

I understand the logic you have applied but though I agree your argument is logical and scriptural I am still wondering if it is completely accurate.

I was struggling with the notion that Jesus judged Himself on the cross. I agree that He offered Himself willingly to the cross, subjected Himself to be examined and proved to be spotless before the crucifixion, and that sin, Satan, the world, and us were judged on the cross, etc. However, by the time of the crucifixion He had already proved Himself and all that pertained to Him in life, living, thought, demeanor, etc. as sinless and spotless and without fault. Therefore, what was there for Jesus to judge on the cross concerning Himself that had not already been judged before He was crucified?

That is why I say that your last point about baptism almost persuades me because Jesus judged Himself at His baptism. He stood as a man, though sinless, in the position of death represented by His baptism. If you argue then that the cross is the reality of baptism and therefore since Jesus' representative judgement at baptism was actualized at crucifixion and He judged Himself on the cross then I go along with you for the moment though somewhat reluctantly.

However, as I think through this some more I reserve the right to change my mind.

The term "sinless" implies judgement. Who says He is sinless? How did they determine that? Likewise with terms like blameless and spotless.

The resurrection from the dead is a judgement, by God, that He is righteous.
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