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Old 11-26-2016, 12:53 PM   #346
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Church


You are on a quest to find proof for your beliefs and so you dismiss alternative explanations that are more obvious.

The straightforward reading shows two prominent brothers who were vocally upset and disgruntled with decisions that had been made without them and who believed the local churches were being compromised.

A correction in the presence of 50 leading brothers was apparently deemed needful for Don and John but also for the other brothers. Perhaps an actual transcript of that 10 minute correction would show something else but just based on the account from Don I think it is no more complicated than that.

I understand it was difficult to be openly corrected or rebuked but dissenting viewpoints should be done with the right spirit and in fellowship. I am not saying that the leaders are always right nor that their decisions are always right. I am saying that the lesson here is attitude and approach are important to the outcome.

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