Originally Posted by Terry
Let's call it what it is, a hierarchy. Though subtle and hidden, the local churches do have a hierarchy. Edicts or asking for permission are generally referred to as "fellowship". Localities need to get approval from blended brothers in order to welcome former elders.
Case in point was one I raised a hypothetical question to an elder regarding Bill Freeman who was still living at the time. The elders response was "they need to check with Anaheim". Another instance was a former, but long time elder who made frequent trips driving from the NW to Southern California. Often visiting a particular locality in Northern California who seemed to welcome him. Point was most of the brothers and sisters welcomed this former elder and his wife, but not the localities' elder. He squashed any more potential visits. This goes into another mindset.
It's amazing how much disconnect LCers have between their teachings and their practices.
We have no hierarchy," says the LC elder, "
but let me call Anaheim," when the saints desire to invite a brother they all know well, but had been blacklisted for speaking his conscience concerning corruption at LSM.
All manner of hierarchy will hide itself as a "protection" for the simplistic.
Didn't Nee in his book
TNCCL specifically teach that the "
highest authority in the church is the elders?"