Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-20-2009, 01:49 PM   #1148
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 318
Default Re: The LCS Factor

Ohio your analogy escapes me. Please allow me to offer one for your consideration:

A priest of the RC decides that he doesn't like what the pope is doing and he and a group within the larger congregation determine to move down the street (or better yet have a lawsuit over the property) and start their own thing. All else remains the same: practices, liturgy, doctrines, etc. (including him being a priest) except they switched from claiming the pope is the sole authority to a authority. Do you honestly expect me or anyone else to seriously believe that the priest left the RC lock, stock and barrel? Sorry but the credulity required for such a belief is beyond my capacity and I'm sure beyond that of many others.
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