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Old 11-25-2016, 01:25 AM   #32
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 174
Default Re: I've been reading for about 8 years

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
So on we go with the vampire expert? Sorry about this OnHisPath.

Maybe Drake has accidentally forgotten on purpose. The legal action the Local Church of Witness Lee took against the defendants had NOTHING to do with Christian/theological orthodoxy. It had to do with the Local Church of Witness Lee being linked to/compared to cults in which the members are psychologically and or physically harmed. No such link was ever proved by the attorneys for the Local Church. There was no need to discredit Melton in the courtroom because the action never went to trial. The defendant was driven to bankruptcy (a common tactic employed by serial filers of frivolous lawsuits) and the baseless complaints were simply read into the record.

The transcripts of the depositions are still floating around somewhere. I don't think Drake or Evangelical wants to get into those. It's lucky for Witness Lee that the thing really didn't go to a full on trial...he perjured himself big time during those depositions.

My apology to OnHisPath; had outburst onto a different subject in your thread.
I myself have heard enough. From LSMLCer mouth- cosplay vampire, play dress up reverend, scholarly Dracula president who is expert in his field of christian church orthodoxy.
NML post was the first time I knew the involvement of such a personal and I was shocked and shaking and lost sleep. No more. Afterall its none of my business.
Drake- can you finish counting how many 'orthodoxy experts' there are? The fact that this particular personal is employed to defend the LSM MOTA, tells me a lot about both the LSM MOTA and the dracula vampire orthodoxy expert.
Sorry again, forum owner for my unpleasant post. I'll control myself after this post.
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