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Old 11-24-2016, 03:18 PM   #26
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: I've been reading for about 8 years

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
He was president of the American chapter of the Transylvanian Society of Dracula, may still be president and continues to participate in all the events. Now if I were to use your particular brand of logic that you have disseminated across this forum, then he certainly is a vampire.
Why are you focusing on the fact that the LC consulted him and not the fact that he is also a REVEREND? The latter to me is worse than the former. The organization or system that allowed him to be called a Reverend and minister in the Methodist church and a vampire is the one and same degraded system the Recovery stands against. Still, I would not be comfortable with consulting him either. To a degree, I agree the LC should not have consulted the services of a man who likes morbid cosplay. A v------ is a mythical thing. We may as well say he is a unicorn (hopefully unicorns are acceptable discussion). So you think because LSMLC hired a v------, or a unicorn, or a water fairy, to defend them, there's a problem. It depends, what degree of associate he has with the LC? Is he an elder? Is he in charge of something? I am interested to know as well. I don't really see the problem to consult an unbeliever's services, just like I don't see a problem with a Christian hiring a non-Christian plumber (who may be into all sorts of things).

But back to reality for a moment. According to the Bible, real Satanism is frustrating God's purpose (Matt 16:23). Real Satanism is offering a tasty looking fruit to a hungry woman (Eve in Genesis). Real Satanism is far more benign than Hollywood movies and popular Christianity portrays it. Real Satanism is that little question ("did God really say"?).
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