Originally Posted by Evangelical
There's LCM and there's the local churches. Different things.
Right. "The local churches" are an idealistic abstraction which the less-than-ideal LCM uses to condemn everyone else.
Originally Posted by Evangelical
A person who believes in denominations has not seen the body.
Again "denominations" is your self-serving, proprietary term. As long as groups, whether you call them denominations or something else, are not attacking each other there is not a big problem. Everyone knows there is one Body and most have seen it. The LCM, and you, are in the classic error of denominations (which most of them avoid now) of defiantly claiming your way is the the best or only way. That is what you doing and that is what was always the worst thing about denominations. All they are now is different flavors, while the LCM remains one of the antagonists. The Body is not hindered by people having differing interpretations of the Bible and living according to them in peace. The Bible allows this and even insists we honor it (Romans 12). It is your insistence on your interpretation of matters which are not clearly stated or prescribed in the Bible which is the current problem. Anyone who hasn't seen this hasn't seen the Body.