Originally Posted by OnHisPath
Thankfully, my husband had no interest in remaining in the Recovery and we haven't attended in many years. Besides the extreme judgement and negativity spoken of other Christians, even in the meetings, one of the final straws was witnessing the pray reading of Witness Lee's footnotes (as if they were equal to scripture) in multiple locations/states. I could no longer justify that it was just one extreme, dysfunctional locality, but that there were serious errors and dysfunctions with the system itself. We are involved in a church where we live, but for years it was hard not to judge other Christians based on Recovery standards. We are finally getting past that.
When I left the LC about ten years ago, I became keenly aware of how abusive the program and its leaders were towards their members. I saw this on all levels, finally concluding that there were serious systemic issues. This saying kept ringing in my ears, "this program produces bullies out of beloved brothers."
Like you, we are all recovering "judgaholics." Sometimes posting on this forum with current LC members I suffer a relapse.