I was gone from the forum for several months, didn't have internet access. So I may have missed something -- I feel like I did. I'm wanting to get it -- we'll see if I do.
Some quotes - from you:
Is the church you are currently involved in not a break away from the LCS church? Are not the leaders there former elders in the LCS outlet in Raleigh? And are you not involved with other LCS spin offs e.g. in southern California who are also break aways from the LCS and whose leaders are also for the most part former elders in the LCS?
and from kisstheson:
It has now been two full years since I left the LC. I have spent most of those two years re-discovering the riches that abound in the entire Body of Christ. Very recently, this thread has prompted me to spend much time with the Lord going back and considering “the LCS factor” in my own life and in the lives of my family. What really was it that we touched there in the LC? What was pure, refined gold and what was dross? What part of the LC, both the good and the bad, remains with me to this very day?
I don’t know what I am trying to say . . . too many conflicting emotions . . . too many things I have not adequately thought through . . . too little maturity on my part . . . All I know is that I love you all in Christ, beloved ones.
So, here is what I don't understand. Is there some inherently wrong with being a spin off from the LC? And I guess I should maybe have a more clear definition of what that means. Does it have to do with people who used to be in the LC being in a group together, and the leaders of that group used to be leaders in the LC? Is that pretty much it? I wonder if I am missing something -- why that idea or that way of being a group would be so bothersome to you. What am I missing?
Don't get me wrong -- I don't think I would ever want to meet in one of those groups. It just isn't for me. Maybe I am more like a recovering alcoholic who doesn't even want to live near a bar. Or drink an O'Douls. Maybe I just need a lot more distance to have my life feel sane and balanced
to me. I have a friend in one of those groups and when I talk to her I think yikes, I wouldn't want to do that. But it seems to work really well for her. We all have the same God, but different paths. That's why it's a
personal relationship.
So I am just not sure why you seem to be so upset with Don about this part. I think he has shared that his group has ex-members, and once mentioned he was going to California to meet with another 'spin off' group. I think he was going to do some speaking there. But so what? We came through fire, and we are all working out the salvation of the rest of our time in this life, before God with (at times) fear and trembling. My husband and I go to a demonination. Love it. Love the people. Pastor is a good friend. We do service in different forms. Someone else meets with a non-demoninational non-affliated church and loves it. Someone else meets with a different demonination than the one we sort of stumbled into, maybe really different. And loves it. Some one else is in a spin off. Is being a spin off inherently wrong?
It seems like you are so angry with Don about this, and I just don't get it. Oh, don't get me wrong again -- I have had some issues with Don, and have written about it. I don't know if the idea that you or someone close to is close to Max is true -- doesn't matter -- maybe it's an urban legend

. I know Max very well and he has been part of my story since I was 17. (Oh, my. My recent birthday makes that
40 years yikes!) . I feel like Don is too hard on Max, that he isn't fair. I don't claim any lack of bias in my feelings. I love Max. And his family. They are part of me, part of my history. Well, I have written about this several times, but I have a feeling I haven't convinced Don to come into the light and see this my way.

Still, I think I have remained mostly respectful and kind. If not, I'm sorry and shame on me, I know better.
So I am not saying don't be angry when you need to be. I just want to understand what it is you are saying, and why.
And then I quoted KisstheSon because what he wrote touched my heart deeply. He has written this sort of thing before, I think. And this seems to me a really good reason why this forum may exist. To help each other, encourage and support each other while we detox. The LC toxin is hard to shed, and not having to do it alone sure helps.
So, I am hoping we can get this tone back on this forum -- we don't all agree, we won't and can't (more 'an likely). But we can be gentle and respectful and try to realize we are all figuring this out, and trying to do it together, not on our own.
Is there any way we can all leave behind the accusing tones and words?
Could we pick right up on what KTS said there and see if he needs something we can help give him? Fill in other examples, to complete this thought --- you all know what I mean.
It's late. I'm tired. I hope you are all well. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, watching the tv, celebrating. So, everyone sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Stay warm.