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Old 11-14-2016, 09:21 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 17
Default Re: I've been reading for about 8 years

The original comment on this thread is mine from my email to request membership. I was a bit surprised to see it had been posted here...but after being a long time reader I suppose it was what I needed to push me onto the forum.

I really am grateful to all of you who regularly participate here. Especially long-time consistent posters such as Ohio, Aron, Terry, OBW, Igzy, UntoHim- I probably shouldn't even mention individuals because so many of you have contributed so greatly. Not only have I felt a strong fellowship with you, but I've learned so much about faith, theology, etc., and have better learned to discern my own personal faith and belief.

I was saved as a young child and raised in a Christian home. I did not grow up in the "Recovery" but came into contact with the group during my high school years through my then boyfriend, eventual husband. Pressure was incredibly strong and destructive from my in-laws. I tried to buy in when I was younger, but it never sat well or rang completely true to me. Still, for years I wondered if I was willfully turning my back on God's purpose/economy/move on the earth. It's amazing to me how easily the hooks of these types of groups can embed themselves into one's psyche.

Thankfully, my husband had no interest in remaining in the Recovery and we haven't attended in many years. Besides the extreme judgement and negativity spoken of other Christians, even in the meetings, one of the final straws was witnessing the pray reading of Witness Lee's footnotes (as if they were equal to scripture) in multiple locations/states. I could no longer justify that it was just one extreme, dysfunctional locality, but that there were serious errors and dysfunctions with the system itself. We are involved in a church where we live, but for years it was hard not to judge other Christians based on Recovery standards. We are finally getting past that.

I chose OnHisPath as my user name because the Lord has always been faithful to lead me personally, and also my family, and keep us securely on His path for us. And praise the Lord it has nothing to do with our association with a specific and elite group.
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