Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-18-2009, 02:27 PM   #1117
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

(I have to apologize once again, I am not akamai enough to know how to quote what I am responding to with this post.) We obviously have several subjects going back and forth in this Thread. However, here goes...(oh - that's a Hawaiian word for knowledgeable,fun huh?)

I will use one name here since Don hinted at him in a recent post. Gene Deberry (sp?) was definantely involved in my experience with the elders as a teen. It sounds like this may be a surprise to some readers - but Gene was not alone - he and other elders were present at the meeting. (I dont know, I must have been an important person if this was not his norm - Lol) And no, as much as Don would like me to, I am not going to mention other names. I don't think it is appropriate.

I only mentioned the bare facts of the incident as a means of support for BlessD and others. This was a very terrible time in my life and I don't wish to rehash in every detail what happened. Besides the fact (and I apologize for being rude) anyone reading the posts about this incident, but not directly involved, you dont need to know the specifics - in my mind, its only curiosity seeking at this point. So as to relating more info as clarification - its not going to happen. And de facto - if a person is wanting clarification then obviously that person wasn't involved, as I'm sure readers of the forum can surmise for themselves.

If persons dont want to believe my account of what happened to me, then don't...As I've said before the intention of speaking out about this incident was a way of support and verification for others who went through the same or similar experiences...I believe that has happened, so I am satisfied with how I have handled this subject.
I have enjoyed hearing from everyone and the wonderful support that is out there. (For the most part.)

Oh, this might be interesting for some readers - I lived in the Big House in Dallas just like Hope did. I was in the 5th grade at the local elementary- some of my fellow students along with their families ended up in the LC in Dallas. I remember it was a surprise when one family in particular showed up at a meeting out of the blue (OBW). LOL (Forgive me for the mention.)
We had single sisters living with us at the time. There were 3 upstairs bedrooms and the sisters lived in one of the bedrooms, my sister and myself had the middle bedroom (the third of my 4 siblings was born near the end of our residency there) and my parents occupied the third bedroom. Downstairs we had use of a small living room and the kitchen. However, there were two other large rooms we were not allowed to use because they were used during the week and on week-ends for prayer meetings, childrens meetings, and various other meetings and church related activities. And then of course the back room served as the service office back in those days.

I remember sometimes a brother or sister would be maning the post but if not my mom would have to run answer the church phone, on rare occasion I answered if she was busy and couldnt get to it. We got some bizarre calls from neighbors wondering what was going on at the property. As you can imagine they were not always nice.
Thanks for letting me reminisce, amazing how many memories are coming back as I post... So long ago, but yet still so present.
(As you can see, I removed myself as far as possible and still be in the U.S.) Lol
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