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Old 11-12-2016, 09:34 AM   #288
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Default Re: One Church - One City - Biblical?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
in English caps are reserved for proper nouns and therefore take on a different significance. For example you use "Proper Church".
Apostle of the Age. Capitalized because there is only one proper apostle of the age, which was Witness Lee (per LSM). Here, convention has made it a proper noun so I capitalized it. It only has one implied meaning. Just like the White House: there are many white houses, but the term is given to the one on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. It's understood by convention, thus caps are ok, customary even.

Likewise, in LC discussion only one God's Economy will do, only one Vision of the Age, etc; capital letters reference the commonly-held LC meaning.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Also, the dark examples you use are misrepresentations, do not create an accurate understanding, and so I do not have the heart to unpack what could otherwise be a meaningful conversation about this important topic.

Witness Lee started the conversation, saying Christianity is devilish, satanic, fallen, dark, twisted, deformed, and so on. He unpacked that particular valise. I'm continuing the discussion, saying that his local churches are, spiritually-speaking, charnel houses, which are full of dead men's bones neatly arranged in supposedly proper order, like museum displays. But with no life.

Perhaps a more prosaic analogy will be less threatening: there was an old lady who swallowed a fly. . . every time she tried to remedy the problem, however real the problem was, and however good and noble her intentions, the problem got worse. I made analogy of Prince Sihanouk, by most accounts a lazy slob and lackey of Western imperialists. But the native Cambodian solution was arguably far worse.

To me that's Witness Lee and the Living Stream Ministry, Continuing Steadfastly, Full-Time Training, One Trumpet, the Lord's Move to Europe, Christians on Campus, Vital Groups, etc vis-à-vis the dreaded "denominations". Sorry if I'm too colourful in description, but again this doesn't depart from the colourful descriptions of Lee by much if at all.
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