Originally Posted by YP0534
As I recall, many of those who insisted that there be uniform acceptance of their idea that the Local Church experiences were uniformly a terror and a result of "idolatry" are the ones who up and left the discussion at the point that a consensus built against THEM (led mostly by Ohio, in my recollection).
I'm not sure who opposed the strictly negative idea of the Local Church and were "pretty much expelled and eliminated" for it, but perhaps someone can call them back to the fellowship? (I do miss Peter's portion terribly, I must admit, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't driven off by this.)
I hesitate to add anything to the discussion here, but ... my goal was and is still to provide a "fair and balanced" approach to LC/LSM topics. I am very sorry if I appeared to be the "leader" that caused many posters to leave. I do regret that I did appear to be an "enemy" of both sides, while trying to take what in my mind was the "middle ground." Most of all, I do regret the many friendships I thought I had made on this forum, because of differing viewpoints which we all held dearly, myself included. While I often protested making "broad brush generalizations," I myself am also guilty of the same fault.
This thread did highlight to me my very first impression when finding the LC forums in the summer of 2005, i.e. many dear saints were hurt by what I came to call "the program." More than any discussion in recent years, this thread caused my heart to ache. Many times I tried to stop posting, but then I would read another post,
and found that I just had to respond. I remember many times my wife concluding to me, "
why do you waste your time there?" Hers is a difficult question to answer. I don't have an answer, but for some reason, I'm still here.