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Old 11-08-2016, 10:31 AM   #184
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Church

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
On the other hand, your approach is to dismiss the plain, clear instances and trends of the scripture (100+ citations concerning the "church" and "churches") in favor of a private interpretation to justify denominations. You readily admit that "the overwhelming majority of references to the church in the NT correlates with "one church and one city"" and yet you not only willfully reject what you know to be true but you also indignantly castigate those who embrace those facts and endeavor to practice accordingly.
You keep saying that posters here "dismiss the plain, clear instances and trends of the scripture to justify denominations."

I have not been a part in a "denomination" since I graduated from Catholic high school.

You make it all about "the name." As if God no longer looks at the heart, cares for righteousness, gives a hoot about faith, etc. But where is the evidence that God has discarded every principle He has ever spelled out in the scripture in lieu of a principle not spelled out at all?

If "the name" of the church unlocked all of God's heavenly blessings, then true believers would be willing to die for that name. There is no record of Christians ever dying for that name, unless it is the name of Jesus. As it is, the most they have ever done for that church name is to sue their brothers in court over their name. That happened in both Columbus and Mansfield, Ohio. Ask John Myer, he was there in court. His book opens with that scene.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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