Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-17-2009, 08:15 AM   #1099
Paul Cox
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Hope View Post

Your’s is a very good rebuttal to my very weak and faulty analogy.

Right on regarding the "idea" or "ideal" that messed up everything.

I certainly did not mean to come across as a defender of that system. Lord help us!!! But I cannot side with the idea that it is nothing but corruption and all the people there are worthless or of no value. I will come down on the damage that Max Rapoport caused but I will first tell of the positive things he did. I certainly appreciate the help in Christ I received from him.

It is an interesting phenomenon that among those still in the local churches, they cannot acknowledge that any former members or leaders had anything good but rather just write them out of their history. But I have seen some former member do the same thing, that is that those in the local churches and the current leaders are only corrupt and have never given them anything of Christ.



I hope I have not left anyone with this impression: "nothing but corruption and all the people there are worthless or of no value." If I did, then it was not my intention.

The vast majority of the saints in the Living Stream Church are precious and sweet. There are a wide range of reasons why they are there. Some are there because they say they "see the vision." Some are there because they love the atmosphere. Others don't know themselves why they are there, and I would even imagine that there are a good number who are held there by fear, because they have fallen for LSM scare tactics. Nonetheless, they are all precious and sweet.

Also, the vast majority of the elders and deacons are precious and sweet. I can remember most of them with nothing but fondness.

Lest I be called a Lee hater, I must also say that I received tremendous help from the ministry of Witness Lee. That help comes at a high price, nonetheless.

I guess all this should preface my statement that the system is rotten to the core.

BTW, I am an x devout Catholic. I have similar views concerning them.

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