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Old 11-07-2016, 10:16 AM   #172
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Church

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
ZNP, Why aren't you indignant about christians who refuse to meet together because they hold different views about baptisms, gifts of the Spirit, church goverment, etc?
Why do you ignore what I have said? The seven ones in Ephesians includes "one baptism". "One Spirit" includes the concept of one spirit. One Lord includes the concept of one administration.

My point has been consistent from the first post. I think that the seven ones in Ephesians is the key fellowship from the apostles concerning the definition of the church. This corresponds with the Lord's expression "meet in His name" but just gives us some more details.

All genuine Christians can agree that Jesus is Lord. They do not agree that Witness Lee is Lord. We can all agree on one baptism, no one is going to agree that you have to be baptized in the Catholic church.

Evangelical and Drake claim that the church is a very important topic in the NT, so important that only they truly understand the importance (paraphrasing Evangelical, sorry to paint Drake with the same brush) yet when asked to give a simple NT definition of what the church is and to explain why the things they are certain are so are in fact so. They are unable to give the simplest definition.

Evangelical claims the definition of a church is that they have 2 male elders. This was proved false from the fellowship of the Apostles. He then claimed that they must be able to excommunicate members, a highly questionable requirement as there is no evidence that any apostle required some group to first excommunicate a member before recognizing them as a church.

But even so, Evangelical then used this criteria, you must be able to excommunicate, as evidence that a home meeting cannot be a church since it would likely have a husband and wife. Once again, this has been disproved by the fellowship of the apostles, as Paul refers to a husband and wife and "the church in their house".

How do you have any credibility when you claim that this is such a crucial, important topic, no one but you understands it, and everyone else but you is wrong. Yet when asked for a simple definition you are completely clueless. Is this the fruit of Witness Lee's teaching?

Once again I would say that he is a false prophet and that you will know them by their fruit.
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