Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-16-2009, 04:16 PM   #1091
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Hope View Post
On the other hand, can you condemn all fathers in all places because of a few child abusers.
OK but see, that's really nothing to do with my illustration.

It's OK though. Don't worry about it.

I'm really just suggesting that ALL of us are hurt because SOME of us are hurt and ALL of those with responsibility (including maybe me) end up bearing SOME responsibility.

From my perspective, it's not really even relevant to say "I didn't know."

Still, obviously no one can be required to entertain anything other than the formal indictments against elders in accordance with proper scriptural precepts!

I'm not really comfortable even going there with regard to what happened to me personally, similar to what others have testified to, so the likelihood of satisfactory proof of such things remains slim. And the expectation that the walking wounded who have had their reputations publicly smeared will muster what it takes to proceed through formal channels with the very people who have wounded and smeared (or their compatriots) is totally unrealistic to me. But perhaps one day two or three will stand together against an oppressive elder as you envision and not be shunned for their rebellion.

They will certainly be far more transformed than I am if they can do it!

Anyhow, if the father next door never addresses or even notices my bruises, it's not his fault at all.

You are right about that.
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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