Originally Posted by Drake
If you have any biblibcal evidence supporting division/denominations we can examine that in light of Scripture.
When your group holds multiple assemblies in a geographical area, you call it "multiplication". When other Christians hold multiple meetings, you call it "division". When Christians have a name and extra-local affiliation you call it "denomination" and condemn. But when they don't have a name or affiliation, or set the boundary of the city (assuming they are in a city?) as their purview you call them "free groups" and deem them useless to build up the Body of Christ.
Again and again I see two metrics being applied. When "we" do it, it is biblical, spiritual, normal, proper, and true. When "others" do it, it is unbiblical, natural, fleshly, carnal, dark, deformed, abnormal, and false.
Subjective, much? "So subjective is my Christ to me/Real in me, and rich and sweet". So subjective is my Christ to me, that I can define reality as I please, put a line on the ground separating myself from 99.97% of my fellow believers as hopelessly corrupted failures, "because the Bible says so", and go my merry self-approved way.
And when you realize that the world isn't rushing along behind you say, "Oh well, it's the narrow way. Not for everyone."