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Old 11-05-2016, 06:46 AM   #263
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: One Church - One City - Biblical?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Suppose that the opposers are correct, the bible does not state how we can or should do church.

The question remains - what should church look like?, how should we do it?

I would approach it like this: we could ask ourselves the question does 1000 denominations or one church per city best reflect the unity and oneness of the Body of Christ?

Common sense (and church history) shows it is the latter.

"We" don't "do it". "We" follow the Lamb ourselves and otherwise mind our own business. Don't impose our own will upon others. Don't presume to speak for God when He can well speak for Himself. Allow others the freedom which God has allowed for His own children. HIS children. Not yours. His.

Common sense and church history? Really? Is that the standard? Whose common sense? What chapter of church history? Can we say that "church history" is full of man interfering with believers who have been misled away from the leading of the Holy Spirit? Is God so inept that He needs you to define His church for Him and dictate how to "do" it?

Lord help us and forgive us for our presumption.

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