Originally Posted by Evangelical
It was a rhetorical question for sure.
It's more what they cannot do. 1000 different churches cannot preach one gospel, they preach 1000 variations of the one gospel. And without coordination it is terribly inefficient and unproductive, so they cannot coordinate easily.
So then, are you saying that the NT definition of a church is that they all preach one gospel?
If that is your definition then what happens if you have a church of 200, a new member joins the fellowship but this person is out on the street preaching a different gospel. Is this church of 200 now "disqualified"?
Does the different gospel have to be published by them and sealed with their seal as though this is the gospel that everyone in this fellowship embraces?
My point is that you are making oneness = agreement. You are also saying that what
you preach or believe will disqualify
my standing before the Lord.