Originally Posted by OBW
The opinions to which you point are those that cannot be established by showing what is there. Only by noting that it is not.
You are the one who is making claims that some special rules are there. To do that, you need to do more than say "the whole bible supports it." You are the one making a positive claim about what the Bible insists upon. That means you need to be able to show how and where the Bible so insists.
The burden is upon the one who claims the unique, not the one who cannot find any such thing and has not been given anything worthy of looking at for the purpose of rethinking.
Please note that if you put something specific out there, I may not agree with how you read or understand the passage. But without even a passage to look at, the problem is yours, not Igzy's.
And over the past 11 years I have changed my position on things, so I do not simply assume you are wrong and seek to disprove you. I will give your evidence an honest reading. As will Igzy and others. But just because we cannot figure out how to arrive at your understanding does not mean that we did not at least try.
Now if you say that no one was called to go into all the world and preach the gospel, then I would have something to work with. But you have said some things that just aren't there. And they weren't even imagined, so there was no reason to refute them back in the first century. That does not make you right and me or Igzy wrong. And it does not require that we come up with verses to refute what was never imagined to need to be refuted.
You are the one needing to provide something that actually supports what you say. And so far, you are failing miserably.
Post #52 in "Various Themes by Evangelical" testallthings wrote "It is a clear historical fact that there was only one church in one city.". So at least one person on here was educated enough to know that one church in each city is a historical fact.
These are not my opinions but the revealed facts from the Bible and history. From the Bible I can easily show there is one city per church (has already been discussed at length). You cannot provide me one example of a denomination.
Therefore the score is:
one city per church: 1
hundreds of denominations: 0
Now just because it is a historical fact, does not mean we have to follow it.
However I think if we want to do things the bible's way, we should adopt the same model revealed in the bible. This is because even though there is no biblical command "you must meet one church per city", clearly this was the way in which the Lord built his church. But there are plenty of commands against divisions and denominations are nothing but organized divisions/sects, as even the Catholics will say.