Re: The LCS Factor
When I read Hope's most recent posts concerning juliep's post, my first thought was 'here we go again'. I was stunned, also. But for different reasons, I think. Once again are we going to examine someone's experience, attacking? Hope, I understand that you don't want to see people you cared about having insinuations addressed at them. Here's the fact: I think most of us reading wouldn't even know who those people were, if their names were given. And no one has ever suggested that you were there in that meeting. It seems that we just believe you when you tell us you weren't there. Could you believe the sisters that tell us their experiences?
On the other hand, Hope, it feels like you are really free to throw out Max's name as the source of so much wrong. What a double standard.
Juliep, thanks for posting. It takes a lot of bravery sometimes to post here. It does for me.
Lots of people were treated very badly lots of times. It was not good.