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Old 01-16-2009, 07:02 AM   #15
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Default Re: LSM's Plagiarism - An Initial Inquiry

I understand your point, YP, and mostly agree.The problem I have is that I have little doubt that LSM would like for Lee to be seen as as much of an oracle as possible, and if this means giving as little credit as possible then so be it. This seems to be a tactic of theirs. They seem less interested in his teachings becoming mainstream than they are in persuading everyone to recognize him as a special apostle.

Calvinists don't talk about Calvin near as much as Leeists talk about Lee. Why is that? I believe because with them it's really an authority thing. They see the ideal as everyone lining up under Lee, which by conveyance mean them.

In other words, they want Lee to get as much credit as possible, but are much less interested in others getting credit.
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