Re: The LCS Factor
For the record: I was an elder in Dallas for 14 years. I was never in "one of those meetings" with a teenage girl and several elders. In fact I never heard of "one of those meetings" until I learned of "those meetings" here on the forum. Perhaps only these two are the only examples of "one of those meetings." Where did this one occur? I believe that Juliep was not in Dallas at age 18. It would help if some names were clearly mentioned in this case and in the case involving BlessD. It is totally unfair to make these broad general accusations. Earlier a description of George and Cleo Whitington was given. Why not declare or insinuate that this couple was the normal leading one in the Texas area. Maybe they are the typical example. Why insinuate that these mysterious unnamed men represent the sum of the elders and "one of those meetings" is typical? NOT MY EXPERIENCE!!! Please relate things as unique to yourself and do not imply such poor behavior was normal and broad.
Don Rutledge