Originally Posted by YP0534
I still think it's more or less a mountain out of a molehill issue because Lee was a religious author and not an academic
Yes, but wasn't Lee like his mentor, Nee, a "seer of the divine revelation"?
That was what I took the "oracle" title to imply. Fresh revelation from the Holy Word. How much of what was passed on as revelation was merely lifted from the writings of others? Much of it not even reworded?
I still remember a story about one of the Lee acolytes, BP I think, holding a newly printed text and saying, "I've got the fresh bread!" It wasn't perhaps quite so fresh as he thought.
And where it is "fresh", i.e. original, it is at least somewhat suspect. I remember reading a review once of something that was passed off as original research, where the reviewer said, "There is much here that is new, and much that is true, but what is new is not true and what is true is not new." I am feeling this way about Lee, mostly.
Nonetheless, I had fun.